Statistical Notice 2022/17 | Bank of England

Publication of Form IPA Public Working Draft (PWD) (Statistical Forms Taxonomy 1.3.0)

On Monday 15 August the Bank’s Data and Statistics Division published version 1.3.0 public working draft (PWD) of the Bank of England Statistics taxonomy, which has been updated to include the longstanding Excel based collection, Form IPA. 

As per Green Notice 2022/01, this migration continues the process of building consistency in data submissions across the population of statistical forms and follows consultation with reporting Issuing and Paying Agents regarding the new format, requirements and reporting technology.
The taxonomy, data point model (DPM) dictionary, annotated templates and validation rules represent the reporting requirements outlined in the Form IPA definitions accompanying the release, available on the new and upcoming forms of the Bank of England website. The data point model is an extension of the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) data point model and filings will be subject to the EBA filing rules as published on the reporting frameworks.

We invite feedback, particularly from firms and software vendors, on the PWD technical artefacts to by Friday 9 September 2022. This PWD should not be used for reporting. We will aim to publish the final version of the taxonomy and DPM in mid-October at which point we will indicate the date of first reporting via Statistical Notice.


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