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Statistical Notice 2021/04 | Bank of England
Bank of England Statistical Taxonomy – PWD
On Monday 24 May we published a second version 1.2.0 public working draft (PWD2) of the Bank of England Statistics taxonomy to support the collection of statistical data previously collected in an XML format. This change was announced in Statistical Notice 2021/02.
This PWD2 publication incorporates comments received during the PWD feedback window 21 April – 21 May 2021 and offers another opportunity to provide feedback. A change log has been published to outline changes between PWD and PWD2.
The taxonomy, data point model (DPM) dictionary, annotated templates and validation rules represent the reporting requirements outlined on the Forms, definitions and validations page, and collected under the Statistical Code of Practice. The data point model is an extension of the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) data point model and filings will be subject to the EBA filing rules as published on the EBA website.
We invite feedback, particularly from firms and software vendors, on the PWD technical artefacts to by Friday 11 June 2021. Public working drafts (PWD and PWD2) should not be used for reporting. We will aim to publish the final version of the taxonomy and DPM in late July/ early August 2021.