Statistical Notice 2023/07 | Bank of England

Form IPA BEEDS UAT window opening postponed and feedback for statistical reporting webpages

Form IPA BEEDS UAT window opening postponed

The Bank announced in Statistical Notice 2023/06 the dates for the commencement of the Form IPA BEEDS UAT Window. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, this window will be postponed.

The BEEDS statistical reporting UAT Window for Form IPA will now commence from 18 September 2023 and will remain open until 29 September 2023.

The rescheduling of this window will not affect the reporting date of the new Form IPA, this remains as 11 December 2023, for the November 2023 reporting period.

Further to this, it has been identified that under the current taxonomy perpetual bonds cannot be reported as intended on Form IPA. Despite this, submissions including such bonds will be supported during this UAT window. When reporting perpetual bonds, the final maturity date should be left empty, however doing so during the UAT Window will result in the following error message:

Issue at line x column y ,Error in XPath expression on element ‘va:valueAssertion’ with id ‘boe_IP_v0031’”: Casting fron xs:integer to xs:date is not permitted. Expression was: ‘if($v0=QName(‘’,’x714)) then ((xs:date($v1)-xs:date($v2)) gtxs:dayTimeDuration(P365D’)) else(true())’

Please ignore this error in this scenario. However, this error is still valid when reporting a non-perpetual bond, so please pay attention to the warning if it is in relation to non-perpetual bonds.

Details of this issue and the required mitigating actions will be detailed in the known issues document once those mitigating actions have been established.

Any further changes to the timeline will be communicated by a further Statistical Notice.

For any queries, please contact

Feedback for statistical reporting webpages

We previously announced the launch of two new dedicated webpages for reporting Form DQ and Form BT, which went live on 31 July.

We would very much value your feedback on these pages. We have therefore extended the deadline for completing the new questionnaire to Monday 18 September 2023.

Thank you to those who completed the first survey. We would once again welcome your feedback.

Statistical reporting to the Bank webpages are being updated on 31 July 2023

What’s changing?

The main statistical reporting webpage will be updated to provide more comprehensive information for firms and an improved user experience. This is achieved by having a more logical structure, clearer headings and new useful content.

New dedicated pages for Form DQ and Form BT are being created to present the most critical information, which users have told us they require.

There will be no change to the core documentation used to support reporting to the Bank.

Why are we making these changes?

The Bank of England (the Bank) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are working together with industry to transform data collection from the UK financial sector. As part of our joint transformation programme we are working to provide better reporting landing pages to support our effort to reduce the burden on firms. Read more about our progress.

Why are we only creating dedicated pages for Form DQ and Form BT?

We are working in an agile way. We collaborated with users to optimise the design of these pages initially. Once these pages are in use, we intend to continue to monitor and evaluate the designs as they are being used by firms. This will inform any future design for additional forms’ landing pages.

How can I provide feedback?

When the pages are live, a feedback survey will be launched to measure user experience. There will be a link to the survey on the pages and it will be open to all users. We would encourage users to complete the survey between 31 July and 4 September 2023. If the pages are well received, it will enable us to build a business case to roll out the design across all statistical returns and explore further enhancements.


A summary of all Statistical Notice items that are yet to come into effect are also available to view on the Statistical notices page. Statistical Notices should be received by all those responsible for the completion of Bank of England returns. To amend the circulation list please subscribe.


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